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Elementary Vocabulary Program?

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I'm looking for a vocab program for my advanced second grader. We did WW3000 for K and 1st, and it was light years below his level. When I look at most vocab programs for 2nd, they still seem too far below his understanding. Is there anything that would be more appropriate, without being too advanced as far as output (not too much writing or super long reading passages, etc.).

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My daughter LOVED vocabulary cartoons. There are several books by Scholastic at elementary levels, and then she jumped to the ones designed for SAT prep. No writing, just reading and giggling. She also really likes etymology and word root study-spelling bee prep materials are good for that, starting with Spell It! http://www.myspellit.com/.  She took the National Classical Etymology Exam last year and did pretty well-it's a high school test, but the NJCL folks don't mind younger kids taking it if they choose, and since it's completely online, output wasn't a concern. There are past tests that you can do if it's something he wants to play with, even if he's not comfortable doing the exam formally yet.  http://www.njcl.org/pages/on-line-tests-ncee



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I don't start formal vocab work until my kids are fluent readers. Both of them started with Michael Clay Thompson's Caesar's English series. DD started it in 2nd semester of 2nd grade. DS asked to do it last summer, between 1st and 2nd. I wasn't originally planning to start him in it so young, but I decided to give it a try. He absolutely *LOVED* it and has done very well in both CE 1 and 2.


DD switched to Sadlier-Oxford Vocabulary Workshop B after finishing CE 2. DS doesn't have a large a working vocabulary as his sister (he's stronger at STEM) so I've decided to try Vocabulit E with him next fall. I always liked the look of Vocabulit but it seemed a bit too easy for DD.

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Thanks for the Spell it! link. I'm going to save that for later. Right now, he's a decent speller, but he doesn't enjoy it. 


He is a very advanced reader, and I've been looking at the MCT stuff. But I was worried that CE would be too advanced, and the other one before that would be too simple (plus, it just doesn't look meaty enough from the online samples). But I may look again at CE. It looks really good and it seems to get great reviews here on the boards. 


I've also looked at Vocabulit, but like you, it seems too easy. If I go with that I think I'd have to choose a few grade levels above.

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