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Does this look like a good history plan?


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I've got a rising 5th grader, 3rd grader and kindergartener. We've been pretty relaxed with history so far and have only gotten as far as about 1000AD in our chronological studies (didn't start chronological history until my oldest's 3rd grade year). Next year, I want to continue the chronology and also focus more on American history when we get to that time period. I also want to add more crafts/projects for my crafty kids.


So here is my plan so far, please tell me if this looks doable:


1st 6 week unit: (Homeschool in the Woods) Project Passport: Middle Ages (select projects, not the whole thing) and the relevant chapters from CHOW (we've already been reading and enjoying it) plus living books


2nd 6 week unit: History Pockets: Native Americans, the relevant chapters of A History of US concise volume 1, and the Childcraft Indian book plus living books


3rd 6 week unit: Time Travelers: New World Explorers and the relevant chapters of A History of US concise volume 1 plus living books


4th 6 week unit: Project Passport: Renaissance and Reformation (select projects) and the relevant chapters form CHOW plus living books


5th 6 week unit: Time Travelers: Colonial Life and the relevant chapters of A History of US concise volume 1 plus living books


6th 6 week unit: Time Travelers: The American Revolution and the relevant chapters of A History of US concise volume 1 plus living books


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I'm not familiar with Time Travelers or Project Passports, but my 5th grader studied from the Joy Hakim books this year and we loved them. 


We aren't too perfect with chronological either. I just stuck with US history this year. I plan on doing Ancients/Middle Ages next year. This will be his 2nd time with those time periods, but he had very little interest the first time. I don't think my ds would have liked switching about from  Middle Ages to US to Renaissance back to US. 


But you seem to have it planned out.

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This is a good point. Maybe I should just do the world history (the two Project Passports) for the first 12 weeks and the US for the rest of the year?



I don't think my ds would have liked switching about from  Middle Ages to US to Renaissance back to US.



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We used the HITW Time Traveler CDs a few years ago and really enjoyed them.  I think your 6 week plan for them is do-able.  There was no way we could get through them in 4 weeks per the sample schedule - not enough time.  My kids really enjoyed them, and we did some of the projects with some other local families and all ages - from K-7th grade - enjoyed the work.  I have not used to Middle Ages CD but am off to order that for next year...


I am not familiar with all the resources you have listed for Native Americans but we did not like the History Pockets materials.  They were a bit boring.  My older son was in 3rd grade and he did not like it at all.


If you are looking for further resources for the US history, make sure you check out Guest Hollow.  She put together an awesome 2 year US history program/book list for your kids' age group and it is free.


I too vote for keeping middle ages and renaissance back to back and then doing the US history.

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