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We recently started Math on the Level...

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I just have to say I am loving it. I was worried about the tracking but I got the automated tracking spreadsheet and I already feel like we are in the swing of it. My daughter is so much more engaged in the lessons and I'm seeing holes I didn't realize were there and finding she understands things I didn't think she did. 


Very happy with math for a change....

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We love it, too! I used it all year with DS7, and I really love the self-paced aspect of it. DS is a very "mathy" kid, but he hates to write, so it has worked really well for us.


I had such issues with the spreadsheet, so I ended up using an index card system, which I actually prefer.


It's great to see other fans. :)

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We love it too :)  I LOVE the spreadsheet (I use the manual so I can move things around myself and have a record of what was done).  The one thing I do differently is instead of having one spreadsheet for all my children (each having a chart), I use one spreadsheet for each child and use the additional charts for other things like Bible verse memorization and catechism memorization.  For my son who has an SEP (a homeschool version of an IEP) I use the additional charts to track his goals.

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I love the spreadsheet too. In fact I've been playing with it this morning and have figured out how to use Chart 6 for spelling. I just bought Natural Speller which is a plan for spelling but not a curriculum per se. Basically you design how you study the words, the concepts and the rules. So I'm using C6Data to enter spelling concepts and it creates a 5-a-day review for me for spelling too. How cool is that?? 

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