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another science question


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I know science curriculum questions asked a lot but maybe a few can share their thoughts on RSO Earth Science.  Last year I tried Elemental Science Biology with my Dd10 and tried just picking topics from the encyclopedias fire DD 7. Neither of them really got done.I don't want to do it, they don't want to do it, feels like busy work.I feel like science it's the one topic I want most to help them enjoy and want to learn more of. 

Nancy Lawson looks like a bit more than I wasn't pay. I picked up Science in the Beginning to cover through summer and they like it.

Can RSO work for a third and 5th grader together if we dig a bit deeper in some things? Anyone love or hate it?

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I can't comment on RSO Earth Science, but I can say that we didn't care for RSO Life Science. Some of it was okay, but it felt choppy and incomplete. We ended up dumping it partway through. Also, the worksheets were writing-intense and involved a lot of repeated data collecting. It just didn't work for us for first-round science.


A lot of people like RSO, though, so perhaps they'll chime in. (Perhaps edit your thread title to include something about RSO Earth Science.)

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