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Exercise Thread ~ 6/8 - 6/14


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Let me present myself as a cautionary tale: Remember on Saturday when I posted I felt like a train had hit me but was headed out for a martial arts work out anyway? 




I had developed a small charlie horse in both calves but kept working.  




After checking the clock and thinking to myself- time for one more Thai combo with my sensei before I have to hit the showers; I threw a foot jab and experienced blinding pain that took me to the ground.  That little charlie horse from overwork had shortened my calf muscle enough that when I kicked I tore my calf muscle.



So now I'm in a boot and on crutches.  Hopefully I will ditch the crutches by the end of the week but the ortho said depending on how it goes in physical therapy I could be in the boot upwards of 3 weeks.


Testing is this Saturday.  I won't be there...


On the up side I still can do upper body and core workouts and in a week swim or cycle if it doesn't hurt.

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