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History of Us with Time Travelers

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Crazy question.....Has anybody lined these two up so HOU is the spine and TT is used as a supplement? We wouldn't do all the TT activities, just use it more as a supplement. I was wondering if this is possible or overkill? We also have a list of supplemental reading. My kids love hands on so I thought we could read HOU as a read aloud and match corresponding activities in TT to make it come alive. Thoughts?

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I think that would work very well. I swear I remember reading somewhere that the TT series was loosely based on Hakim's books, but can't find anything pertaining to that now.

I thought I read that too! That's where I got the original idea, but so many of the links on the old threads don't work anymore. Not sure why that is.

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I believe that winterpromise has an American history program based on the time traveler's CDs. IIRC, in that guide there is a correlation between the Hakim books and the CDs. It has been a few years since I looked at the guide but as I recall it didn't match up evenly. Some CDs covered part of 1 book and others had you rushing through the chapters.


ETA: I'm stuck on the couch nursing so I jumped over to the WP site and they do, in fact, correlate the hakim books with the TT CDs. They have it laid out in an older learners guide under American history for high school. HTH!

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I believe that winterpromise has an American history program based on the time traveler's CDs. IIRC, in that guide there is a correlation between the Hakim books and the CDs. It has been a few years since I looked at the guide but as I recall it didn't match up evenly. Some CDs covered part of 1 book and others had you rushing through the chapters.


ETA: I'm stuck on the couch nursing so I jumped over to the WP site and they do, in fact, correlate the hakim books with the TT CDs. They have it laid out in an older learners guide under American history for high school. HTH!

Thanks for this. We tried to use Winter Promise this year for the Middle Ages. I wound up creating my own plan. While many of the resources and ideas are great, it was just simply too choppy for us. It is good to know that this can be done though. I'll just make up my own schedule.

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