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Digital Homeschool Portfolio Options

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My friend Pam and I recorded a video this week where we discuss options for keeping records or making portfolios (primarily for personal use rather than for reporting) digitally. 

I thought you ladies might be interested: http://www.simplifiedorganization.com/2014/digital-homeschool-portfolios/


We talk about Evernote, just keeping a file folder on your computer, and making a presentation with Powerpoint. Do any of you keep your records digitally in some form? 

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I scan and do a .PDF, with links to videos, etc. I started that last year when DD needed a digital portfolio for a specific program, and it works quite nicely to have everything in one place, in a form that can be e-mailed if desired ;).



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A local HS friend does.  The SD we are in is rather large, and they lost her port one year.  She had them sign for it, but they still expected her to recreate the content and come up with more samples all over again when they lost hers.  She did a more bare bones one and submitted that.  In an effort to not make herself crazy and streamline attempt #2, it included things like a writing sample that was also related to history. In typical SD fashion they couldn't get out of PS mindset and wanted a "writing" sample, not just a history sample :huh: The next year she submitted on a thumb drive, and they didn't say a word.


The same SD lost my affidavit last year.  I send it in with my port, they signed for it, but didn't end up with it in their files.  I didn't get in trouble, I just called because they typically send out a "we received your affidavit" letter, and I didn't get one.  Not necessary, but since I was the only person I knew in my local SD who didn't receive one, I called.  They didn't have it, but sent me my letter.  eta: I have also heard of other people in our district having their port lost by staff :/ 


I may start digitally submitting as well.  A few years ago the SD started trying to dictate the format (must be in a 3 inch binder, labeled this way, tabbed dividers, etc.).  Part of the confusion was that our HS liaison in the state DPE updated the home education part of the state's website, and put in her interpretation of the law, which wasn't necessarily factually accurate ;)  Once that change was made to the website, some SD started demanding ports follow the X inch format, etc.  Crazy. I think they now understand they can't dictate the format, but that doesn't stop them from trying.  My SD asks me to include a rubric they mail to me, but I refuse to because it has inaccurate info on it (like saying I have to provide my diploma.  It has been repeatedly settled by the state liaisons over the years that attesting in the affidavit is sufficient).  I do not supply my diploma, I just attest to it in the affidavit, and they don't say anything.  But I refuse to use their district generated rubric that asks for things not required by law.  We have enough regulations to deal with in my state without allowing districts to create made up requirements.

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That's frustrating! We also have instances of the SD asking for more than the law requires; the local homeschool list now recommends taking a copy of the law with you when you go to the SD to sign your letter of intent. 


The ability to easily have multiple copies of things is a huge benefit of keeping stuff digitally. It's a lot easier to copy and share and keep back up versions.

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Yes, I just mail RRR and they have to sign for it.  I do that because I don't want to go in person, as I've heard they frequently decide to make "requests" when you show up in person (extra forms, asking for info beyond the law, etc.).  I just mail and they sign and then I don't converse with them.  I do pick up in person though. 



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