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New-ish from Nebraska

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Hello! I've posted one topic already but I suppose I'll introduce myself. I'm Brynn, I'm 31 and have 5 kids with one more on the way.  I always wanted to home school due to my less-than-stellar public school experience (I skipped a grade and was still bored to absolute tears, and yet somehow have/had large gaps in my knowledge of many things; I could go on but I won't). Then we adopted 4 kids, at the same time, and I got unexpectedly pregnant, then gave birth to a preemie with some issues which require weekly therapy and I pretty much thought, no way I'm going to be able to pull home schooling off so we'll just work with what we can get from the public school system.


After watching my oldest struggle through math and having to re-teach him almost every night for the first few years he lived with us (and seeing his atrocious grammar, spelling, and sentence structure and yet still getting good grades somehow), and then watching as my second oldest picked up terrible habits and was not challenged at school (among other things) I began looking more into homeschooling. I felt convicted that if we were really called to do this God would give me the wisdom, patience, etc. to do it.  So I started reading, and researching, and planning, and here we are. We are starting school in July so that when the baby is born we can take some time off. I plan to year-round school anyway so it kind of works out.


I'm so excited to get started and I'm so happy to have found this forum!

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