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Singapore Essentials B question


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SM Essentials A was just mind numbingly boring for DS4 (almost 5)... but I did look at Essentials B and I like it a LOT more.


Will it be hard for him to come into, having not done much of Essentials A? We've been using CLE and supplementing with a bit of Miquon. I'm most worried about the number bonds - was that hit on a lot in A?


Also, what manuipulatives would you recommend with B? I have c-rods and flats. I see the sample pages mention linking cubes, so I'll get some of those, but what else do I need?



ETA: I'm now looking at the grade 1 materials. If he has already mastered counting to 100 or so, skip counting (2's, 5's, 10's), simple one digit addition to 10, and understands the concept of subtraction (although we haven't worked on memorizing any facts there)... would he be okay in the grade 1 materials? The grade 1 materials do not look like much of a leap compared to Essentials B, unless I'm missing something (looking at the CA edition?).

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There is not a huge leap between essentials b and 1a. I never used the linking cubes, I can't remember if we did Legos instead or it I just used c rods. I think your son would be fine going straight to 1a, especially if you don't mind taking your time.


My 5 year old whipped through essentials a and b in 3 months. I've been going slower through 1a, he's been down to the last unit for over a month but I was concerned about his facts to 10. I skipped ahead, finished the book and went back to the addition/ subtraction to 20 section. His facts are still not real strong, it feels like a developmental block so I've been doing lots of Miquon, Education Unboxed games, and xtramath with him. After 6 weeks or so of that I finally feel like he's ready to finish the book. I think the HIG is really helpful.


There was a post similar to this back in the fall, if you can find it that may be helpful too.

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I gave up on Essentials B, my daughter went quickly through A and B was mind numbingly boring and dull for me. We went to Miquon exclusively. She loves it and I have Singapore 1A ready in the wings. I don't see it being too much of a jump for her without having completed B. HTH.

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