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Looking for online writing course recommendations

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DS will be in 8th grade next year, and I am considering outsourcing this subject. I think in order to produce his best effort, he needs some outside accountability other than Mom. And writing is one of my top priorities.


He has a good foundation with a lot of CM-type writing in the younger grades, and most recently completing the pre-high-school levels of Understanding Writing. I'm looking for something to polish him off, and pull together needed skills for high school. So has anyone used an online program for this level and able to provide suggestions? I have these open in tabs so far:


Potter's School

Veritas Press

Laurel Tree

Write at Home

Write Guide

Landry Academy

Aim Academy

Virtual Language Alive


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We loved Potter's School Writers' Workshop and liked (but didn't love) their English 1 & 2. It depends on what you're looking for, though: both Eng 1 & 2 include grammar, writing, and literature. If you want writing instruction only, VP's comp 1 or Comp 2 might fit the bill. My friend's daughter has taken both and she speaks highly of the courses. I can't comment on any of the others you mentioned because we have no experience with them.

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I found a couple older threads with info:







Right now I am considering TPS's Narnia writing course. DS would love it. Also, I discussed the options with DH and he felt DS would do better with live classes as opposed to asynchronous. 


I had a terrible time deciding where to put this thread. High School? K-8? Logic Stage? Aaargh.  :willy_nilly:

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Right now I am considering TPS's Narnia writing course. DS would love it. Also, I discussed the options with DH and he felt DS would do better with live classes as opposed to asynchronous. 



Oooh!  :drool5:


I have my dd12 enrolled in a creative writing class at our local co-op, but I'm having doubts about whether or not that's where she needs to be. It has mostly high school students, and I'm afraid it will be too advanced for her. Or maybe I am having a hard time letting go of the control over her coursework.  :tongue_smilie: 


Do you have any experience with TPS? I'll have to research them more. I'm kinda put of by the whole "worldview" thing because, in all likelihood, I don't share that worldview. But Narnia! We all love Narnia, and I was planning on doing a Narnia lit study this year, and it might be a great way to get her more comfortable with writing.

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Do you have any experience with TPS? I'll have to research them more. I'm kinda put of by the whole "worldview" thing because, in all likelihood, I don't share that worldview. But Narnia! We all love Narnia, and I was planning on doing a Narnia lit study this year, and it might be a great way to get her more comfortable with writing.


No experience here. But there are lots of reviews of TPS on the boards here if you do a search, most of them positive.

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