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Just for fun how many times did you see Grease, the movie, when is came out?


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I couldn't stand the message that the sweetness of the main character was something to be stripped away from her. It really bothered me a lot. They all made fun of her, and in the end they rejoiced over her losing her sweetness and becoming tough like them. Not that I think women should only be sweet, but I didn't like how they derided her for it. There's room for everyone and I didn't like how they picked and picked at her about it until she had to change. Hated that message. I saw the movie twice because I hated it so much that I thought I must have been in a bad mood the first time. Why would I hate a movie so much that everyone loves. So, I tried it again, and hated it again.


This is exactly my problem with it.  I've always hated bullies and bullying.  There's no way I'd ever love a movie glorifying it.  It saddens me that so many think it is great - saddens, but doesn't surprise.



ETA: And the message just made me angry. You'll be popular if you doll up? Gee thanks. But I guess that's how it is in reality, sadly.


Ditto.  And we wonder why so many teens in the US have such huge emotional problems.  It's not "Grease" by itself.  It's that so many people support the values it shows (peer pressure to fit in the way "we" feel you should be and that's the only way we'll accept you).  I see it on a daily basis at ps, but it's also similar in many workplaces.  I see it on here way too often too.  :thumbdown:   Just take a look at ANY controversial thread.  (I almost always opt to skip those as the lack of acceptance of others who believe "something" different really angers me.)

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I was 9.  I saw it two times in the theatre and many times since.  I absolutely loved that movie.  I can remember how much buzz that movie got at school.   :laugh:    I had the big fold-out album and also collected the trading cards.   ;)   


I never internalized any of the "bad" messages from the movie.  It was just a fun musical to me.  Of course, all of the inappropriate things went right over my head.  I never got any of that until I saw it again years later.  



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