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Reading, language, comprehension struggles ... advise?

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I've posted a few times before: DD struggles with language, reading, comprehension. PS just administered a reading assessment, GORT - 5,  to get a better picture, her scores were:


Scaled score for rate was ranked at the 25th percentile; accuracy was ranked at the 37th percentile; fluency, at the 25th percentile, and comprehension at the 9th percentile. Grade equivalent scores ranged from 2.4 for comprehension, 3.7 for rate, 4.0 for fluency, to 4.4 for accuracy.


DD is in 5th grade. Despite multiple assessments and no diagnosis, it's obvious she has a language disorder. The meaning of what she reads or hears simply escapes her. She can't retain any new vocabulary. Longer sentences leave her confused. Furthermore, though evals showed no memory problems, her most frequent response to questions is 'I don't remember' even for something that I just explained or read.


We work with linguisystem workbooks on language and auditory processing. We practice reading daily. We also do the 6 min fluency solution from Sopris.


i contacted a dislexia center, and they told me they have an 18 month wait just to do an eval. I am not sure she'd qualify for help. She has good phonemic awareness and no issues with blending, segmenting, etc. Either way, language seems to be tripping her up more than the decoding/reading.


I've been thinking of having a SLP eval, but we've been through at least 4 in the past with no useful outcomes. They confirm what I see every day -- poor vocabulary, difficulty remembering sentences, etc.




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From what you've written, your DD could have a 'delayed ability to use self-talk'?

You would be using self-talk as you read this. Where you hear the words, without saying them out loud.

Also if you write a reply, you will use self-talk to form and rehearse each sentence as you write them.


Comprehension also involves taking information and then restating it in our mind. Where the restatement is what forms our comprehension.

But if we haven't developed the ability to use self-talk?

Then we can't use it to form thoughts in our mind.

Where 'her most frequent response to questions is "I don't remember", even for something that you just explained or read.'

Could be a difficulty with forming a response ?  Without being able to use self-talk?


So perhaps you might consider this?

Yet how would you consider this, if you couldn't use self-talk to talk it through in your mind?  To arrive at a conclusion.



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