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Omnibus III Secondary Books on Audio - Which are best?

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I have some Audible credits I need to use up and my son will be taking an Omnibus III class this fall. I know he will want to listen to some of the books. Can anyone recommend which titles from the Secondary books would be good on Audible?  I would like the longest/hardest ones mostly! : )




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I was curious if you differentiate between listened to or read in terms of quality. My son loves to listen to many of the classics on audiobook, and I was considering having him then read them as he got older. Somehow, in my head, I told myself it was of better quality to read the books than listen. As I type it now, it sounds a bit ridiculous, but I thought I would throw it out there. Do you draw a distinction?

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Longest and hardest is so subjective - my son has had little trouble with some of the more-challenging books, but he didn't do well with some of my personal favorites. :) My son suggested getting Gulliver's Travels, Pride and Prejudice, and Little Women on audio. The last two are two of my favorite books ever, but my son found them to be long and tedious. Sigh.

As a 9th grader I would have chosen A Tale of Two Cities, because Dickens made me sleepy. But my son thoroughly enjoyed reading it.

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I was curious if you differentiate between listened to or read in terms of quality. My son loves to listen to many of the classics on audiobook, and I was considering having him then read them as he got older. Somehow, in my head, I told myself it was of better quality to read the books than listen. As I type it now, it sounds a bit ridiculous, but I thought I would throw it out there. Do you draw a distinction?

I think it depends upon the person and his/her learning style and reading speed. I have always been a stickler for reading, and I turned my nose up at the notion of audio books. But my husband and younger son get so much more out of audio books than they do out of traditional print books. They follow and retain much more and far better when they listen to the audio versions. My hubby has gone through so many fantastic audio books and it's really made me see how great they are, and I happily use them for our one son because I'll never get him through literature otherwise. My husband and one son are audio/visual/hands-on learners. But I can't do audio books, because I have a tough time keeping my mind from wandering if I attempt to go through one. My other three kids and I much prefer reading, but we are fast readers and the audio books feel so slow sometimes - and I learn and retain things by reading.
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