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Best Art Curriculum for an Aspiring Graphic Designer (4th grade)


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My son draws constantly. He especially loves logos of all kinds. He even makes up imaginary companies so he can design logos for them. 


I have not been able to find any curriculum that will help him learn how to use Adobe Illustrator/Photoshop, and/or just learn to draw on the computer. 


Does anyone have any suggestions? Thank you!



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Adobe has pretty good free tutorials in their website for those programs. If he learns the programs well and can handle faster, more adult level of learning, check out www.creativelive.com for classes. The classes are free when they are first broadcast online but then are relatively cheap for the level of education you recieve.


I doubt you'll find much in an elementary level but if he learns it now, he'll be sought after by highschool age.

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My youngest son has a fascination for logos too. We have never used a formal curriculum of any kind but he does spend a good deal of time on the computer drawing. He primarily uses Paint Tool SAI and Scratch. Both of these programs are free to everyone and there should be some tutorials for Paint Tool SAI online. 


I would also recommend getting him a book on fonts if he is interested in logos. My son loves fonts and enjoys learning all the font names, and he loves pointing out logos and then telling me what font is used. Maybe your son would also enjoy that?


Hope that helps.   :)

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Two good sources for Adobe software instruction (both meant for adults): 


Classroom in a book series. These are very well done, and you can "re-study" anything that you help with. Lesson files are provided with the book purchase. This is put out by Adobe. 


Lynda.com (This one is online and there are many classes for different kinds of software including the Adobe programs.) This is a monthly subscription and it is about 25 dollars a month depending own the options you choose. Many of the classes are very well done. There are different teachers to choose from. 


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