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Science recommendations for an 11 and 8 year old.

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If you are Charlotte Mason style homeschoolers, why not just go outside and do nature study?


I brainstormed this list a couple of weeks ago for someone else. They are all just go outside kind of things, without needing any prep besides perhaps getting a book from the library. They really take as long as you want them to take.  Star gazing: 5 mintues or 2 hours, your choice.  Ants: just watching them for 5 minutes, or taking a few hours to build your own ant farm.  Or you could just plan to read once a week for 1 hour, and then take 1 more hour to look for what you read about.


If this is not what you want, I'm happy to try again.  Just tell me what your goals are. And your restrictions.


Ruth in NZ




Botany -
make a garden,
do a survey over 2 months of all the mushrooms in the woods,
Do a mushroom print
grow a seed in plastic bottle so you can see the roots

survey insects
Make an ant farm
Visit the rocky intertidal and look for sea creatures
Get a bird list and see how many you can find
watch how bees pollinate

Do a genetic chart of your extended family

Get a microscope and learn to use it
Get samples from local streams and learn how to measure little creatures
Learn how to categorize and identify little creatures and plants

Human body
Compare heart rates between people, or within yourself depending on exercise
Compare reflex speed, or distance you can throw
Study your sleep patterns
Get a skeleton and try to figure out what each bone does

Earth Science

star gazing
chart the moon cycles, try to tell the time based on the phase of the moon and its location in the sky
Chart the sun over 6 months

Find rocks and identify them
Look at road cuts and look at soil strata
Get a book out of the library and visit all the interesting rock formations in your area
Go to a volcanic site

Study weather maps
Make your own set of weather measurement gear (wind, rain, pressure) and chart daily weather
learn how to predict rain using clouds

Go to the ocean and study how the waves break on the sand
Visit dunes
Study tide charts and chart tides in your area

Physics (running out of time, but will get back to this)
Make homemade kite and study how you can adjust it to improve its flight
Measure who has the grippiest shoes using a spring scale
Video tape a ball in projectile motion, slow it down with software and compare it to textbook
Go to many locations and compare echos, why do they vary?
Look at how light reflects and refracts
Play with magnets

Ack... Chemistry is next. Will come back.  (ETA: and I never did, must get onto that!)

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Real Science 4 Kids: the labs for chem especially are so fun. We are skipping the bio labs. I draw the line at live things.


Elemental Science: Classic or Living Books. Very easy to implement and the 'labs' are totally optional. Lots of extra book suggestions.


K12 Independent: just pick a year

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