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xposted ...How do you use Khan Academy??

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Honestly, I feel like this is the dumbest possible questions EVER. 


But, we have been dabbling with Khan off and on and I'm not sure we are going about it right.  We signed up, I see a dashboard, DD is in there and after choosing her grade or even from grade to "arithmetic and preA" she is saying how easy the work is.  When we search on videos, I'm not finding what we are after (I know..probably user error in how I'm searching for it..right?), I have searched YouTube videos and it's been hit and miss... 


So, when you are suggesting Khan for a supplement, where and what exactly do you mean?  DD is spending a lot of time earning points and skill levels? there but is totally enjoying what she is calling easy-peasy math time.  Whatever we have chosen is not challenging enough.  But does she need to 'test' or work through the easy stuff till she finds her skill level and the challenge goes from there?  Are we in the wrong section?? LOL  Khan wouldn't even let me search the site unless she took her first quiz.  Looked a little like a placement quiz. 


I don't think we are doing this right.  :/

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You can work with the dashboard and knowledge map and she will review a variety of skills and eventually it will catch up with her level.  You can also look under the learn tab at the top left and select a class.  The  classes are graded from 3-8 and then subjects.  There is a coaching option I haven't used as well.


Khan can be a great resource but it does take a bit to figure out.



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Have you set it up so you are a coach? 


Once you have her as your student you can go to manage your students and assign topics. Go to Coach, Student Progress, Click on her name and then make a recommendation. What you recommend will pop up on her list of topics to work on. 


She does have to a number of 'mastery challenges' to help her skip over the stuff that she understands. After a while, she will only get mastery challenges when she's done enough other work. 


If you don't have a coach account set up and don't want to, you can find specific areas to work on. From the dashboard you can add subjects at the bottom of the 'up next for you' list {assuming you are in the right grade level} or from the search bar at the top you can find the subject and click on the ones with the stars to do the problems. 

It does take some figuring out how to get around. They've recently changed it up a bit (maybe to align the problems with Common Core, I'm not sure).  It used to be that everything was available all the time. Now it's broken by grade level. It's super easy to switch up the grade levels, but it can be more frustrating if your child isn't working a specific grade level. 


We use only Khan Academy and Life of Fred for math. He does a few days of whatever math topic he'd like in KA while working through the LoF books. He enjoys being able to stop the multiplication/division repetition and work on some geometry stuff. :) 


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Have you set it up so you are a coach? 


Once you have her as your student you can go to manage your students and assign topics. Go to Coach, Student Progress, Click on her name and then make a recommendation. What you recommend will pop up on her list of topics to work on. 


She does have to a number of 'mastery challenges' to help her skip over the stuff that she understands. After a while, she will only get mastery challenges when she's done enough other work. 


If you don't have a coach account set up and don't want to, you can find specific areas to work on. From the dashboard you can add subjects at the bottom of the 'up next for you' list {assuming you are in the right grade level} or from the search bar at the top you can find the subject and click on the ones with the stars to do the problems. 


It does take some figuring out how to get around. They've recently changed it up a bit (maybe to align the problems with Common Core, I'm not sure).  It used to be that everything was available all the time. Now it's broken by grade level. It's super easy to switch up the grade levels, but it can be more frustrating if your child isn't working a specific grade level. 


We use only Khan Academy and Life of Fred for math. He does a few days of whatever math topic he'd like in KA while working through the LoF books. He enjoys being able to stop the multiplication/division repetition and work on some geometry stuff. :)

Thank you for this.  That is what we'd like to use it for....to break up her current math routine while still learning and building skill.  I'll go check out those options.

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Have you set it up so you are a coach? 


Once you have her as your student you can go to manage your students and assign topics. Go to Coach, Student Progress, Click on her name and then make a recommendation. What you recommend will pop up on her list of topics to work on. 


She does have to a number of 'mastery challenges' to help her skip over the stuff that she understands. After a while, she will only get mastery challenges when she's done enough other work. 


If you don't have a coach account set up and don't want to, you can find specific areas to work on. From the dashboard you can add subjects at the bottom of the 'up next for you' list {assuming you are in the right grade level} or from the search bar at the top you can find the subject and click on the ones with the stars to do the problems. 


It does take some figuring out how to get around. They've recently changed it up a bit (maybe to align the problems with Common Core, I'm not sure).  It used to be that everything was available all the time. Now it's broken by grade level. It's super easy to switch up the grade levels, but it can be more frustrating if your child isn't working a specific grade level. 


We use only Khan Academy and Life of Fred for math. He does a few days of whatever math topic he'd like in KA while working through the LoF books. He enjoys being able to stop the multiplication/division repetition and work on some geometry stuff. :)

Are you using Grade 5 Math on KA?

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Are you using Grade 5 Math on KA?


He is currently in the Grade 5, but he'll jump around a little if he gets 'bored'. He says he hates math most of the time but is really good at it and catches on really fast. So I just let him bounce around to keep him interested. 

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