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Positive homeschooling comments today... Just have to share

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I've been having a rough week with DH out of town for business, extended family issues, and then to top it off... an emergency dental appointment this morning. No time to arrange a sitter so brought my son along with his Kindle. The dentist was an older Korean woman with a heavy accent, and she asked if DS was off from school today. I said I homeschooled, which I'm always nervous to admit never knowing what kind of reaction I will get.


But when I mentioned the word homeschooling she just started GUSHING. Literally, she just went on and on about how much we must value education and what a dedicated mother I was. She said her kids went to private school with a 10 to 1 student ratio, but still didn't think they got the attention they needed. As I was leaving she again came out and told me how impressed she was with my dedication and with my son (who thankfully was well behaved and reading the whole time).


And to top it off there is nothing wrong with my tooth and she gave me a discount:)


I don't often get negative reactions for homeschooling, but seldom get positive feedback either. Usually it's just a puzzled "oh that's nice." Anyway, it's amazing how a kind comment from a stranger pulled me out of a slump in whats been an otherwise disastrous week. Just had to share.

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Love when that happens. My son and husband got some great comments on an airplane- I soaked it up second hand, but I was on cloud 9 for several days. :)


Our old dentist used to homeschool his kids so all of the staff is on the up and up as far as our educational choices :)

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So glad she lifted your spirits :)


I had one of those moments this week as well with one of the librarians at our local library. We don't go to the library that often (i prefer to buy our books since 90% of the time they don't have the book), but i stopped in to pick up a book (reco'd here) and as i was leaving they had a huge shelf full of books for 50 cents each. I couldn't resist and spent the next 15 minutes going through all of them. When i went to pay, she commented about the sheer number of books (only 16 LOL) and asked if i was a librarian, i answered no, but i homeschool our kids and love books. She had the biggest smile and went on to say well homeschooling moms are pretty much librarians!!!


Even though WE know it is the best decision for our kids, there are so many misconceptions out there that it is nice to get a high five from virtual strangers.

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My brother is finishing up his BA-Psychology at a private university. In one of his classes, the professor always sets aside specific sessions to require each student to participate in discussions as this has consistently been a problem.  With my brother's class, he has not had to do that as everyone participates.  The prof was trying to figure out what the difference was.  Finally, he asked, "How many of you were homeschooled?"  The majority of students raised their hands.  My brother is 25 years old - and he said it was one of the best moments of his college career. :)

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