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I got these 2 Dolciani Alg 1 books in.. and.. American School math? Need your wisdom :)

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First off, DD13 is finishing up 7th grade and PreA. 


Even tho it's early to be thinking about her high school math choices, it really matters in what choices I make for her 8th grade math that I am currently considering for next year (ordering curr this week, whoot!).  The order of her math and choices right on up through HS are on my mind this week. 


I don't quite understand the picture posting options on this forum, so I attached the two books at the bottom...hope they post correctly.  Anyway I got those two math books for a total of $5.  lol  One was free through paperbackswap.com and another was $1 plus shipping from a used book site. 


I ordered these because I've read such good reviews here about Dolciani but a HUGE reason I ordered them was because, for some reason, I thought that in American High School (our choice for the kids HS program) the math that was used was Dolciani.  DD is going into 8th grade and will be doing Alg 1 and I thought I would finish this year out with her current math program (Saxon) and if we liked the Dolciani texts once we viewed them, we'd use them for 8th and Alg 1.  That way she'd be familiar with it when she hits 9th and around the Alg 2 mark..ish. 


It wasn't until after they arrived that I investigated further on the American School site to find that the college prep courses she will take do not use Dolciani for the math programs.  Did they used to..then discontinue??  Why did I think they used it??  gah..    Ok, so I guess if that's the case I won't switch her to this, then switch her again in 9th.


So my questions are..  I see that Alg 2 and Geometry are Larson texts.  Is it worth it (if it exists) to find her an Alg 1 text by Larson to use in 8th grade?  Or stay with Saxon Alg 1 and do the switch when we enter 9th?  She is doing just fine in Saxon Pre-A (after much distress during the first half of the year over math and other programs she tried to use that didn't suit her at all).  If she is doing well with Saxon, just leave her there to continue to gain confidence?


And, if she is ready for Alg 2 in 9th, and Geometry in 10th, I see any higher maths are online only?  I am not sure about that.......  Does anyone have experience in these math classes and using the online options?  I feel like she'll want to do Business math as well since she plans (as of now LOL) to be a business owner. Not completely sure tho.


I am sure we will have to test out of some of their maths anyway, in order to potentially start Alg 2 in 9th grade, and maybe if we test out of at least 2 of their maths and take 2 (Alg 2 and Geo) then we can just go on our own math choices for the last 2 yrs.  Does that sound reasonable?


ETA:  if you personally wanted to choose between either of those Dolciani texts, which would be your preference?  I used the red spirally one in high school but remember nothing about it.






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My son had Teaching Textbooks for PreAlgebra and part of Algebra I. We decided to enroll him in American School, so we had to ditch the TT Alg. I orginally thought we would finish out TT and take the Algebra exam at AS for credit. Unfortunately we couldn't do that because you have to have completed 9 courses at AS in order to test out of a subject. So now he is taking Algebra I through American School. The transition was initially hard, as it is very different than TT. He is also struggles a lot in math, so waiting until 9 courses are complete before taking the exam would not have worked here (they do not provide any study materials, etc. either).


Just thought you should know about the exam part:)




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My son had Teaching Textbooks for PreAlgebra and part of Algebra I. We decided to enroll him in American School, so we had to ditch the TT Alg. I orginally thought we would finish out TT and take the Algebra exam at AS for credit. Unfortunately we couldn't do that because you have to have completed 9 courses at AS in order to test out of a subject. So now he is taking Algebra I through American School. The transition was initially hard, as it is very different than TT. He is also struggles a lot in math, so waiting until 9 courses are complete before taking the exam would not have worked here (they do not provide any study materials, etc. either).


Just thought you should know about the exam part:)




Ok, this is very helpful.  9 courses?  So that's what......the better part of 9th and 10th grade?  So, were you able to START at Alg 1?  Instead of paying to test out of a subject, could we do something like go straight to the tests in their first math book and take one test after another until we complete the course this way? 


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Ok, this is very helpful.  9 courses?  So that's what......the better part of 9th and 10th grade?  So, were you able to START at Alg 1?  Instead of paying to test out of a subject, could we do something like go straight to the tests in their first math book and take one test after another until we complete the course this way? 



Yes, 9 courses would at least be the10th grade.


Yes, we started with Algebra I. I had to ask for it, though. They give you only two subjects to start, then as soon as you complete one test, they mail the next subject. I told them we were already working on Algebra and asked if we could have the course now. They were fine with it, but you could not have more than 4 courses at a time (and you would have to finish 2 before you could have any more).


I guess you could just take the tests. You are not supposed to send in more than one at a time, though (so that you can benefit from their comments, etc. before doing any more tests). But, it took a little over two weeks before my son received a grade on the first test (he is taking test 2 next week) You could just do them and send them in every couple of weeks…?

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sounds like it's going to take a strategy for sure LOL  Back when I graduated from AS, there was NO such thing as all the other homeschooling options out there, I knew no other HS'ers, etc.  But as time goes by, sure they would allow for more options and flexibility to accommodate people coming from all different backgrounds in HS'ing and experiences.  (pout) 


So, once they allow you test out of subjects, do you have to test out of them periodically, or on a schedule, or..how does that work?  Even w/ college prep, there are several things I know we are going to need to move quickly past.

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