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Coming from MUS and need pre algebra advice


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My daughter is in 7th grade and ready for pre algebra. She does not like MUS and would really like to use something else. She also did not like Teaching Textbooks. I really want something that I can learn from well enough to teach her. Math is not my strength. I was thinking maybe Saxon 1/2 with the DIVE or teacher cd's? Any ideas? Math is not her thing at all. 

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Well, I don't think I am the best person for this answer, but I hate to see a post with no responses :)

I have done some recent searches on the subject of algebra, myself.  I think that what I found is if you are planning to switch programs, Pre-Algebra seems a good time.  I have heard the MUS is a bit lighter than your average Algebra program, and may be harder to switch programs and not have gaps later.  My ds just finished PreA and is doing A in MUS, but I do wish I had switched him earlier.  He is (not his opinion, but mine) more "mathy" than my others.

I am currently doing DIVE science with my oldest.  Honestly, I like the idea of the program, but the guy teaching is a bit monotone and boring.  My ds thinks he is almost as boring as the Apologia text that goes with it.  Maybe the math is better, but you should try listening to a sample first to see if it would work for you. 

Something you could look into is Life of Fred.  It is Algebra in a story form.  I enjoyed reading through a friend's copy.  It seems a little less heavy math, and more cute characters introducing topics.  

My experience with Saxon is limited, but my friend who is a very serious, no-nonsense, homeschool mom uses it.  I think it might be heavy mathy.

Hopefully, someone else has another idea for you.




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Just FYI, pre-algebra in MUS is kind of the "catch-up"  year - where the scope and sequence fills in and matches other curriculums.  Most people don't swich out until they've completed that year.  So if you really hate it and must switch now, just know that they may come across  few concepts in the new curriculum that it will assume you already have that MUS does in pre-alg year.  Good luck finding what you love!

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