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Day of Rest


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Evidently, today was more of a day of rest than actual schooling. My son is the only one not resting but has spent most of the day outside

on his bike. This is okay since all too soon it will be over 100 F every.single.day here. My daughter and I both wound up taking naps. She is 15yo

but I sent her to take a nap because she was so whiney earlier.  Then about 20 minutes later, I needed to take one because I was so dang tired.

Not sure I slept but it was nice to shut out some stimuli!


Anyone else's "school day plans" change out of necessity today?

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Ours changed today.  A medical test for me got rescheduled to this morning due to a cancellation.  So DS18 picked up DD12 from her morning band class and and helped her get thru her morning school work while I was out.  Once I got home, I slept the after noon away while DD brushes the dogs and did her assigned reading.  I think they actually had fun this morning while I was gone. so I am not too concerned if not everything got completed.

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Evidently today is another day of rest, mostly for ME. Woke up this morning with similar health issues that I had earlier this year. Blah.

Nothing to do for that but rest and not have to do anything that requires intense thinking because that's just not going to happen. *sigh*

Hope everyone else is having a much better day!

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