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For those dissatisfied with the Nye/Ham debate...


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FYI only.  I'm not looking for a debate.  I don't want this to turn contentious. 


I just found this Darwinian/ID debate so much more intellectually stimulating, information rich, and thought provoking than the Nye/Ham debacle.  One side does get condescending, but that's par for the course.  It's still what I consider a good debate. I hope whoever chooses to listen enjoys it as much as I did.



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thanks!   I will try to remember to look at it later.  I didn't even watch the Nye/Ham debate because, while I'm a creationist (ID), I don't agree with the Young Earth theory, so it seemed pointless for me to watch.   I went down to the Discovery Inst. in DC a number of years ago to hear a talk by Michael Behe (Darwin's Black Box)... it was quite good, even if some of it was above my head.  :D


Hugh Ross and his group: Reason's to Believe, debate both YE creationists and evolutionists on many occasions.  I'm not sure how to find the video's though.

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thanks!   I will try to remember to look at it later.  I didn't even watch the Nye/Ham debate because, while I'm a creationist (ID), I don't agree with the Young Earth theory, so it seemed pointless for me to watch.   I went down to the Discovery Inst. in DC a number of years ago to hear a talk by Michael Behe (Darwin's Black Box)... it was quite good, even if some of it was above my head.  :D


Hugh Ross and his group: Reason's to Believe, debate both YE creationists and evolutionists on many occasions.  I'm not sure how to find the video's though.


This one is pretty heavy duty, but you can get the gist of it.  You can find most debates of this sort on YouTube.  I just searched under "Hugh Ross Debates" and got a bunch of hits.  I like to listen to Dr. William Lane Craig for content also, but I'm not crazy about his voice (which really doesn't matter when you're trying to glean information).  I absolutely love Dr. Stephen C. Meyer.

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