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SM 6 to MUS

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I'm thinking ahead a bit here but my ds will be doing SM US Edition 6a/6b next year for 6th grade. I'm starting to think about what to use next for JR. High and High school. This evenings I was thinking maybe MUS would work but I don't really have any experience with it. I'm wondering if anyone here has used SM for elementary and then switched to MUS. What was your experience with the transition and would Pre Algebra be the best one to start with? I was thinking Pre Al since SM 6 doesn't cover negative numbers. Any advice is welcome. :) I'm also open to any other math curricula ideas.

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I've used both MUS and SM and I can't imagine going from SM to MUS with a child that's not struggling. I really like MUS but it's not meant to challenge mathy students. It's great for kids who struggle with math.


If you need video instruction, I'd look into Chalkdust (or, better yet, the videos by Dana Mosely that go along with the textbooks chosen by Chalkdust and available on Amazon for a whole lot less money). There's also videos that teach Jacobs algebra and Saxon math.

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I've used both MUS and SM and I can't imagine going from SM to MUS with a child that's not struggling. I really like MUS but it's not meant to challenge mathy students. It's great for kids who struggle with math.


If you need video instruction, I'd look into Chalkdust (or, better yet, the videos by Dana Mosely that go along with the textbooks chosen by Chalkdust and available on Amazon for a whole lot less money). There's also videos that teach Jacobs algebra and Saxon math.

Thanks for the advice. Like I said I really don't have any experience with MUS other than looking at their elementary math at a convention. I'm just trying to look at all of the options. I wouldn't say my ds struggles with math but he isn't a math wiz either. I do think I would like something, especially for high school, that is directed a bit more to the student so I don't have to do all of the teaching. I do need to look at the next levels of SM as well. For some reason picking a math curriculum scares me more than any other subject. The highest math that I completed was College Algebra. :)

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We tried just what you are describing during the fall of this year. We went from 6b to MUS Pre-Alg. My dd was very confused by this transition. I do not like the way negative numbers or order of operations are taught at-all! We finished to lesson 18 then switched to Derek Owens Pre-Algebra. It is much easier than 6b but dd needed some time to mature into Algebra and also needed some encouragement. MUS actually made her feel like a bad math student after doing very well all of the way through Singapore.


I would stay with DO for Algebra if I could purchase the course out-right (instead of monthly instructional costs). I trust this instructor and Pre-Algebra has been really great at making sure all of the bases are covered mathematically after US Ed of Singapore. I'm really, really glad we did Derek Owens Pre-Algebra and we've been able to breeze through much of it making us finish by July and ready for an Algebra course in time for 8th grade.


I'm sorry to discourage you in your planning but I'd stay away from the Singapore to MUS route.



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We tried just what you are describing during the fall of this year. We went from 6b to MUS Pre-Alg. My dd was very confused by this transition. I do not like the way negative numbers or order of operations are taught at-all! We finished to lesson 18 then switched to Derek Owens Pre-Algebra. It is much easier than 6b but dd needed some time to mature into Algebra and also needed some encouragement. MUS actually made her feel like a bad math student after doing very well all of the way through Singapore.


I would stay with DO for Algebra if I could purchase the course out-right (instead of monthly instructional costs). I trust this instructor and Pre-Algebra has been really great at making sure all of the bases are covered mathematically after US Ed of Singapore. I'm really, really glad we did Derek Owens Pre-Algebra and we've been able to breeze through much of it making us finish by July and ready for an Algebra course in time for 8th grade.


I'm sorry to discourage you in your planning but I'd stay away from the Singapore to MUS route.

You are not discouraging me. This is exactly the type of thing I wanted to hear. Thank you for your opinion. There are so many options it is overwhelming.

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