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Sequential Spelling

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I am thinking of trying Sequential Spelling with my 8th grader who has dyslexic and auditory processing challenges.  We've tried SEVERAL well know programs over the years with slow progress.  Spelling rules do not stick nor are helpful.


I think the computer version of SS would be helpful to her with the visual aspect and color.  I am also though wondering if we should instead do the adult program since we have only a little over four years before graduation.  I am going to give her the pretest tomorrow. I am guessing she will test in book 1 or 2.

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When my daughter started homeschooling in 7th grade, we used Spelling Power (because we were homeschooling on a budget and I found it at the library).  Only later did I learn about Sequential Spelling; I would have used it with my daughter if I could.


Here are two older threads that mention Sequential Spelling.  Perhaps there will be something helpful.


Please. Please just tell me the truth about spelling....


Run out of remedial spelling courses! Suggestions?








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We used Sequential Spelling for several years.  Learning the patterns of how words are spelled rather than memorizing rules and exceptions just makes more sense to me.  We used the regular Sequential Spelling books and they didn't seem to be set up as different levels (they didn't get harder as you moved from book 1 to book 4).  Instead, they just introduced and re-visited spelling patterns over and over again with different lists of words.  I think you could start anywhere in the series.


I'm not familiar with the adult level material.

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We started using Sequential Spelling a couple years ago.  I am not dyslexic, but I am a terrible speller!  I could memorize for the weekly words in school, then promptly forget.  I always tested into special ed levels with spelling, but Sequential Spelling changed all that for me.  It has worked incredibly with my son as well (though he is naturally better at spelling than I am).  You don't have to start with book 1 or 2.  I think we started with 4 (?).  Since your child is in 8th grade, I would caution you about starting too low.  The initial books could be seen as babyish or too young for someone worrying about image in middle school.  Cat, Sat, Fat, Bat, Rat, Pat might make your student turn off to the program.  I don't know your kid; maybe the initial success is exactly what they need.  Book 3 might be a great middle place.  We also found that after the first little while, we didn't need to follow the exact formula the program went with.  It was absolutely essential for the first half of the year.  My son needed the information to presented the same way for it to "click."  Now, I say a word and he spells it.  If it is a crazy long word, we go through the process, but spelling doesn't take nearly as long as it used to.

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