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Vocabulary: Lively Latin vs. Caesar's english 1 or both?


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I have read that there is quite a bit of vocabulary contained in Big Book of Lively Latin I. I am planning on starting it next year for 4th grade for my DD. We will be moving from MCT island to town next year also, and I'm wondering that if that is indeed the case, that it may be overkill to also do the vocabulary book from MCT.


Anyone have experience with both?


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We did all of Lively Latin I and part of LL2 while we were doing MCT. We finally dropped Latin, but continued with MCT. It was the right choice for us. There just isn't enough time for everything, and Latin didn't make the cut. I see the benefits of vocab study frequently, so I'm happy we continued..

And are you happy with CE specifically? I'm trying to decide whether to begin Latin next year with my DD3, age 9, or if I would be happier just doing a terrific job with Greek/Latin roots.

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And are you happy with CE specifically? I'm trying to decide whether to begin Latin next year with my DD3, age 9, or if I would be happier just doing a terrific job with Greek/Latin roots.


Yes, I was happy with CE, but we did it at the same time we were doing Lively Latin, so I can't speak for it alone.


Upon further reflection, I'm glad we did LL 1. Yes, we dropped Latin, but looking back, I'm also glad we spent some time with it.

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We did all of Lively Latin I and part of LL2 while we were doing MCT. We finally dropped Latin, but continued with MCT. It was the right choice for us. There just isn't enough time for everything, and Latin didn't make the cut. I see the benefits of vocab study frequently, so I'm happy we continued..



Yep, what she said!  We loved Caesar's English.  We're starting to figure out Word Within the Word.

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