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Help! Need advice on self-education in preperation for engineering.

Guest Hector1618

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Guest Hector1618

 I am an unfortunate 20 year old in that I misspent my youth in such a disastrous fashion. I pretty well played video games my entire youth and had no guidance whatsoever, I should add, I was not at all socially/academically/emotionally/financially successful because of this.


So I am 20 and quite motivated to get my life back on track. I want to pursue engineering because of interest, reward and the practicality of the major itself. I am at home, and looking to prepare for a 2 year transitionary program which splits the first year into two.  I believe I have 15 months to prepare (Or 3, as it application ends in april.)


This looks to be a intelligent forum, so if there is any advice in general for me, or specific about the best resources concerning self-education, I would appreciate it to a great extent.


If I am going to be honest, I am doing algebra right now, so that's where I am sadly. I am using the textbook "Algebra and Trigonometry" by James Stewart, Educator.com and Kahn academy in approaching this.


So please, I would greatly appreciate advice.


P.S I do have good news, I have the time to devote myself to this. But I would like to get everything in order within 15 months, by that I mean ready for an engineering program. For the program, I need math precalculus, physics 12, Chem 12... (I live in Vancouver, B.C Canada)


Thank you.

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Well, that is a lot of math to get through in a limited amount of time.  But that being said, I have an engineering degree and I pretty much taught my self three semesters of college calculus with a good textbook.  My calculus courses were huge, auditorium-style classes and I really feel like I taught myself the math.  So I do believe that math can be self-taught.  Sure is not ideal, but oh well.


What will you have to do prior to your application?  Take placement exams? 

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I assume, since you're doing the precalculus course (That's what the Stewart book really is) you're solid in lower-level algebra, geometry, and pre-algebra. Working on math is a definite biggie -- it's the number one reason I see people fail out of engineering schools.


I'd get some good, solid grade 12 chemistry/physics textbooks aimed at people in your province -- there should be some solution guide that's suitable for self-study. When you're self-studying with a solution guide, make sure not to look at the solution guide before you've attempted the problems. Even if you do get stuck, look at the first line of the solution to see if that helps, then go back to working by yourself. I see far too many students who are studying with a solution guide and think they're doing fine because they understand how to watch someone do it, but not how to do it themselves.


Do you need to take exams on these courses? If so, I'd make sure to get an exam-specific prep book as well, after you've studied.

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Is Canada like the US, where community colleges offer remedial courses?  You could take some of the classes at the local CC.  I did this myself after 20 years out of school.  Just took a placement test and they put me in the right math class to get me started.  I had 2 classes to take before I got to start College Algebra for credit.


(Also, congrats to you for starting this fairly quickly...it will be SO MUCH easier in your 20s than in your 40s, with a family and other obligations!)

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