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Rod and Staff Math 3 division

Susie in MS

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If you use this, do you follow the instructions on how to present division as it is described in the TM? I am having a really hard time trying to visualize it. I stopped using the book once we reached division (about lesson 62), so to give my dd more time with +,-,x facts, but soon we should be picking this back up and I am lost. If you present the lesson the way described in the TM,do you have a better way of explaining it or pics of your set up? I appreciate any help! I have googled and found nothing.

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I'd have to dig mine out of the closet. I can't remember how the book teaches it. We did use the pie poster and a pile of 2x2 Legos for counters. I make mine act the division out with Legos at least until they can explain how it works in their own words.


One of my teens even mentioned that pie poster the other day. It's simple but really effective.

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I don't remember it teaching it oddly. It is taught along with the multiplication tables if I remember correctly. I'll dig out my book and double check though....ok looked through it and nope. I changed it up slightly. We used food treats as manipulatives. The word into always threw mine for a loop so we used the word divided. They understood the definition of that word so it wasn't confusing to them. The poster was confusing for me. Didn't do it and didn't miss it.

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So I am not alone in finding the sea creature chart cumbersome and confusing. =) 


Okay, then I can just use the Arithmetic Village *jewels* I already have and not worry with creating the chart. I haven't seen the pie poster yet, but it could be that I was so focused on trying to understand the sea creature poster that I totally missed it. I will look for it now. 


Thanks, Ladies!

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The pie poster is in the math terms stuff. Like the train car addends making the sum train. I had the poster for all four functions in our schooling area for over a year, and the R&S 3 kid wasn't the only one who was directed to study the relationships they showed...lol.

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I'm in Rod and Staff 3. I taught division as directed, although we do supplement with MEP so he was getting a lot of it there also. MEP requires a lot of drawing out and circling the groups. I think this would work well with manipulatives also.


We use the division terms poster mentioned above. I do not use the sea creatures thing. I tried making it as a PDF on the computer so it would be notebook size, but then we never used it. We just use the mathematical terms.

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