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Funny thing about CC

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So after a 3 and a half hour wait, dd goes into the advisor's office. She asks what is the difference between honors and regular psychology because she noticed that reg. psych had 37 students max but honors has 12 max. She doesn't mention she knows the class size difference. The advisor doesn't realize at first she is homeschooled and says, the honors class is very small and you interact a lot with the professor and other students. He says it in such a way as if the student would find that a negative. Both of us luaghed and said we think that is great. I piped in with none of her classes ever had more than 12 people in them. We had her Stanford test scores and she had a 3.92 GPA so she is signed up for it and gets honors privileges at the library.


Now I think it is great she gets the kind of class she wants. What is kind of sad is that the lower scoring kids or less motivated kids get large classes where they can get ignored.

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Our CC has a FAQ that says the difference between normal and honors is definitely not the workload. They don't let the teacher give more work since all fulltime students have lots of classes and they want good students to take honors classes. The difference is that honors classes actually involve discussion and foster higher levels of thinking than the normal classes. The regular classes apparently just want regurgitation.

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