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Help with a baby name, please! (Christian content...)


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Not for anything, but some of the names suggested here seem like they would invite teasing and bullying. Many kids don't care if someone's name is Biblical if it's something they can mock.


Please don't think I'm against Biblical names -- I'm just suggesting that some of the suggested names are so uncommon and unusual that they could be very difficult to grow up with. (And no, I'm not going to say which ones I meant! :D)


Of course, I should add that I'm a big believer in not giving kids names that people have never heard of, can't spell, or can't pronounce. I think that if a parent is stuck on a bizarre name, it might be a good idea to use it as a middle name instead of as a first name, so the kid has options when he gets older.


I'm such a boring traditionalist.

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I had a college classmate named Eben. I asked him one time about his name because I thought it sounded cool. Turns out he was named after his grandfather, Ebeneezer, but the parents didn't like the full name because of the Dickens association. So they shortened it to Eben.

I'll bet he had to spell it for almost everyone he met. I would think that most people would hear the name for the first time and think he was saying Evan.


But Eben sounds a lot cooler than Ebenezer. ;)

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