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The Crap I buy these days


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I can't decide if we're the problem, or the victims. It's been one industry followed by another, etc. for decades now. We came to expect it in clothing and accessories, then furniture, now in appliances. What's next? What will be the tipping point where we swing back - if ever?


Are the companies responding to our desire for new, changing, and quantity-over-quality?


Or have they weaned us onto a higher-profiting model by training us to want these things?

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For all you coffee snobs out there, my husband swears my phin filters. They are Asian-style, simple, stainless steel filters that you set over your cup. They come in 6-11 oz sizes. They make the best coffee, don't require paper filters or use the costly coffee cups. Just add grounds, then water and it filters fresh coffee in minutes. Gravity, not screw kind. http://www.amazon.com/s/ref=nb_sb_noss_2?url=search-alias%3Daps&field-keywords=Phin


Those look really neat! 

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