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Cursive Advice


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My DS will be 5 in a week, and has been working his way through HWT K this year. I am thinking ahead to next year. He's been doing fine with the HWT manuscript and I like their approach. It's not the prettiest thing I've read, but, well, he's 5. 


He is currently writing manuscript words for AAS1, which I hope to continue next year with AAS2 and adding copywork from WWE1. 


I've read several threads here about the benefits of learning cursive at a young age, but am not sure whether we should continue with HWT 1 and 2 (manuscript) next year and then start cursive after, or begin cursive in the fall. Do you have any thoughts on which we should do? Experience?


Also, HWT Cursive. Wow, is it ever ugly. While I love their easy approach, I just cannot see using that font. I looked at samples online and seem to gravitate towards D'Nealian cursive. I was thinking of going with the Logic of English cursive program. Does anyone have thoughts on this, after having used HWT? Ease of use? Effectivenessness? 


Thanks so much.




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The HWT books don't last a full year, so what we do in 1st is HWT 1st Grade and then NAC 1. I do teach NAC in the HWT Cursive order (it is presented in alphabetic order), but I much prefer the font to HWT. There are prettier cursive fonts than NAC, but it's not bad looking for a simplified cursive.

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