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I've misprononuced Apologia for years and just found out.

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Okay - you mean that it's NOT a long I?? I've never heard anyone say it, but anytime I saw it written, I assumed it was primer-with-a-long-i .... ! :001_huh:


Primer with a long "i" is like paint primer--something used to prime a surface.

Primer with a short "i" is: "An elementary textbook for teaching children to read" or "A book that covers the basic elements of a subject." I can hardly bring myself to say it the second way out loud.


But see, it even made sense to me with the long I because of "prime" -- think of priming an engine.... also, kindergarten is called "Primary" in some places (when my sister attended, it was called that).....so it just sort of made sense that this early elementary curriculum was primer-with-a-long-i ...I never even questioned it (unlike the whole Apologia thing). :lol:

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I would kinda perversely think, "If they don't know how to pronounce this word, what else don't they know?" And that's an illogical thing to think. I FREELY and fully admit that. But there you have it. It is how I think.
I am NOT OCD, but on certain things I wonder the same thing, and so does dh. If they cannot present themselves correctly, what ELSE can't they do? I don't mean that in an uppity way at all, it's just something we DO. :tongue_smilie:


I've been mispronouncing it too! And, I found out about it the same way you did-through the TtC's dvds! How funny! :)


And, it looks like we're in good company with the length of this thread!

I've always said it uh-PAW-lo-GEE-uh! I NEVER knew it was any other way cuz EVERYONE I have ever heard say the word pronounced it that way! :001_smile:


BTW, what is TtC?



Oh man, someone thought I was being defensive to all when I was only trying to address a couple of comments that said pronouncing it like I'd learned was pretentious. Thanks for the nice rep comment.....I was trying to be funny....sorry if it seemed I didn't notice or understand all the positives. My thanks for the positive comments were sincere, no sarcasm intended.


I showed this to my daughters and they thought it was hilarious. They said they'd probably choose to each pronounce it differently just to mess with my mind.

The comments I've seen were directed toward another poster's post. But were you talking about private comments to you?


:lol: My ds14 would do that! I'm NOT telling him there are alternate ways of saying this, or he'd be doing that and making up more of his own! :001_huh:

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