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subtraction algorithm SM 2A


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How important is it that my daughter do all the steps involved in the subtraction algorithm at this point?  We are using Singapore Math Standards edition and in Unit 2, Chapter 5, Subtraction with renaming.  She can work the problem mentally, gets the answers correct, but resists crossing out the number in the 10's column and carrying the little 10.  (Am I making sense here?) She'd rather just remember what she's doing.  Now, for me, I don't have the memory faculties to work the problem like she does. ;)  But she seems to be doing fine and says that crossing out and carrying the 10 is confusing.  I have looked at the education unboxed videos to show *why* it's written like this and how the algorithm works…  Since this is my first time through Singapore Math, I am wondering if it really matters if she isn't doing all the steps like the book says.

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This is two-digit subtraction, right? My main objection to the mental math thing would be that it gets harder as she starts working with three, four and more digits. Practicing the procedure with simple problems means she'll have it down when the problems become more complex. 

Yep.  This is what I tried to explain to her.  Unfortunately, in most everything for this child, she usually likes to figure things out on her own, rather than being told….. :/

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I would say what Dialectica said. And then if I were asking the question myself, I'd respond the way you did. We ran into a similar attitude issue when DS didn't want to learn multiplication facts because it was easy to just figure it out each time. Now that he's doing multi-digit multiplication and division, he's in trouble! I wish he'd just trust me the first time.

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My daughter didn't like to do that either. It took her getting the 4 digit subtraction problems wrong to admit I was right and start writing things down.


When she gets enough incorrect she'll start writing it down.



Yep, we went through the SAME issue with DS.  He gave all kinds of attitude about crossing off and showing that he had carried the ten.  When we started three digit numbers, he failed a test I gave him because of careless mistakes from not showing the carrying.  Now he demonstrates the carrying, lol.  


I'd say, let her do it her way for now, warn her that she won't always be able to do it that way because it becomes too difficult to do so, and then....when she reaches three digit addition and subtraction, require her to show the carrying.  

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I would say what Dialectica said. And then if I were asking the question myself, I'd respond the way you did. We ran into a similar attitude issue when DS didn't want to learn multiplication facts because it was easy to just figure it out each time. Now that he's doing multi-digit multiplication and division, he's in trouble! I wish he'd just trust me the first time.



LOL, we had a similar issue here as well!  I ended up putting a math app on my kindle which had him practice those math facts and he enjoyed it.  

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Thanks to you all.


As the oldest, I know she just think she knows it already, and doesn't realize that math will increase in difficulty.  This is the child that last year, when looking forward to moving forward to 2nd grade she asked what would happen when she was done with 2nd grade…"what will I do then?"  I responded, "After second grade, you'll move on to third grade."  Incredulous, "There's a third grade????"  :lol:   She thinks that marriage and babies are *just* around the corner. ;)  I wish she'd just chill out sometimes. :laugh:

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