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Can we talk adolescent girl mental health/self-injury? :/

Sue G in PA

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 The biggest problem for me in handing my daughter over to the state in order to get help is we want a faith-based facility, not a state-run facility. That would be our very, very last resort. 


I understand the importance of incorporating spirituality and I can understand how a facility that undermined a child's or family's faith would be problematic.  I will also say that we are also a Christian family.  However, when we were looking at treatment programs for our foster daughter the programs which impressed us the most in terms of using evidenced based practices, care coordination, and overall approach, happened to be secular programs. I would be hesitant to discount a program just because it wasn't cloaked in my family's faith. 

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  • 5 weeks later...

Hi Sue,


Going through very similar issues with my daughter but slightly less bad--multiple diagnoses, in-patient stays, cutting incidents of 150 wounds at a time, suicide threats--all that jazz.  Tried a 30 day program in St. Louis focused on self harm.  Its SOOO hard.  And I'm in PA too.


My Atty told me I could persue a plenary action for guardianship.  That would basically revert her to having the rights of a <14 y/o  I haven't yet, but she was 95% sure it would fly.  Basically that is the same as you would do to an impaired adult  that you need to make decisions for.  Court hires her an atty, and if it goes smooth, I am told it runs 2.5K-5K to do.   I just don't have the cash right now to pull it off.


Would spend more time, but I'm researching DBT options. She's inpatient now, and I have to figure out what is next.  The mental health system is broken, if you ask me.  Short term in-patient stays are basically useless. Change the meds like you'd change underwear, slather on another diagnosis, and dump them.  On the second round of a 9 month family based team--really no progress.  Had the same issue--her O/P therapist was an obstacle to treatment but couldn't dump her because of act 147 rules.  Daughter knows the laws now--which means, she knows exactly what to say in the ER to avoid an admit.   I feel your pain.



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