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MFW first and Standardized testing?


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I'm just curious how other children have done with standardized testing after using My Father's World Learning God's story (1st). We will be moving to Virginia and I read that standardized testing is required for all students who turn 6 by Sep 30. My son will turn 6 on Sep 23 so he'll be a little over 6 and a half when he is tested. I'm a little stressed about it because I had no intention of testing him until second or third grade. 



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hugs for the stress of testing.  Assuming your child is average or higher in learning to read and you do your copywork, do your math stuff... and all of that... I think you'll be fine based on my experiences as a standardized test proctor.  As I tell my clients, don't worry on social studies parts on the SAT-10... you'll be surprised what they know and they don't have to get all of the questions correct to do well and have a good stanine score.


in VA, I think you only have to have a 23 composite minimum.  and you can pick from a variety of tests and even be the testor yourself. So, if you want to use the CAT-E from Seton that is ok (it doesn't deal with science or social studies. it's math and reading/language arts only)   Another option in VA is an eval and I know there's a kind lady on here who did that route..  so you may not have to test at end of first grade if you do that route.


from my years of proctoring homeschoolers in tests, ......don't get too stressed on testing.  be diligent in teaching.  pray for them.  look into options for test that you can be the test proctor and/or have an eval of portfolio.  and yes.. mfw has a strong first grade program, and yes children learn at different rates.  



PS: I had to check on the scores from my youngest.  My youngest child has autism and it took us a while to be able to test her.  She's delayed.   But she did well enough to be average on the test (except for science and social studies which I barely taught any to her..) and her scores were well above the minimum scores VA asks. (we're in a different state though).  At the time of her test taking she was "above first grade age", but was working in mfw first grade materials for language arts and some for math. We tested with first grade test (SAT 10)  I know that's not as encouraging as someone without a special needs child, but I still think you'll be ok.  my child was older but delayed and did really well and surprised us all.

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Thank you so much! Your words were very encouraging. I think I have mostly just gotten myself worked up reading stuff online. Compulsory testing brings out every fear I've ever had about homeschooling. Thank you for the encouragement and information!

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