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Call for Study Proposals


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As a child, I often left a half-inch or less of juice/milk/etc. in the bottom of a glass which I would place into the refrigerator, much to the chagrin of my mother.  I don't remember my rationale for such actions, but there must have been some unspoken motivation.  Even though I haven't engaged in the practice in at least three and a half decades, it would seem I inadvertently passed this trait on to my daughter.



Now I, too, am as baffled as my mother must have been, because whatever rationale I had at 12 was not strong enough to have stuck with me as at least a brittle, yellowed memory.  Therefore, it has to be genetic.  I'm thinking mRNA coding, but to be sure, we'll need a large data sample, some blood draws, a good lab, and of course, funding.  Also maybe an fMRI machine...and white mice, although I haven't quite worked out their purpose just yet.


I'm not sure how much cash would be required, but I suspect it depends on the cohort size, and the black market rate for fMRIs.  Maybe it wouldn't have to involve a really big research university, but then again, there is something to be said for computer power, lab space, and a large pool of grad students willing to work for Top Ramen.


This surely can't be the only such question worthy of academic study, so I'm open to adding additional theses under one umbrella grant, which might actually improve our chances.


DW already wants to add an arm investigating why public school 6-8th graders find it necessary to emit piercingly high screech-like noises at random intervals during the day.


So what data would you find useful?

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I don't know about data, but I'm wondering how my son got your DNA??


None of us ever did this, nobody I knew ever did this, and yet ... my son ... MAKES ME WANT TO SCREAM when he does this!  I know there are three cups and a plate with one bite of a tamale left, all sitting precariously in my fridge where it will stay until I call him to fix it.


I'm somewhat relieved to hear he'll eventually age out of it, if only because it'll spare his future roommates or spouse this anguish he causes me. LOL

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I would like to know the correlation between indulging in certain mathematical or computer pursuits before the deed with how much milk or juice is left in the container. For example, does continuous computer usage of one to three hours just before the deed make both my men folk leave more or less of the beverage in the container vs. equivalent period of math pursuits?


Also, what force on earth leads them to leave completely empty bottles in the fridge? For what greater purpose are said containers refrigerated when they are, I repeat, COMPLETELY empty? (aaargh)


Do not envy me my thoughtful child with regards to random noises. :D He has warned me that henceforth he will be screeching or wailing each time he yawns and/ or stretches in the middle of the day. :D

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I always assumed it was like the sock monster in the dryer that eats just one sock from each pair.  Food just appeared in one or two bite servings on a huge plate.  Same with the 1/2 inch of milk in the carton.


Yes!  Do the Research!  And see if my blue sock turns up!



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I always assumed it was like the sock monster in the dryer that eats just one sock from each pair.  Food just appeared in one or two bite servings on a huge plate.  Same with the 1/2 inch of milk in the carton.


Yes!  Do the Research!  And see if my blue sock turns up!



Actually, I think the Large Hadron Collider was built on the premise of delving into the one-sock problem.  They got part of the way into it before realizing the utter futility of it all and decided to look for the Higgs-Boson instead.  Even scientists know when they're beaten.

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