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Which educational books should I buy on my Nook?

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Since I accidently deleted (see here http://forums.welltrainedmind.com/topic/496098-ugh-nook-woes/ ) all but 2 books off my Nook I dont have many options for reading.  I really dont want to rebuy rhe books I already had.  (In my own small way I'm boycotting B&N and myself.  For one, why would a company allow you to permanently delete something on your device without a loud alarm going off, okay I know why but I digress, and two I'm mad at myself for not really learning how to use the devise properly.)


So, I need some new books.  I'm looking for books on teaching, homeschooling, etc.  Thanks!

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I have never successfully been able to delete ANYTHING off my Nook, which irritates me to no end, so I was surprised when I read your other thread. And very sorry to hear about it.


Anyway, are you looking for new releases or old vintage freebies that you can re-download again and again?


Can you get anything from your library?

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