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IFSP/Speech Therapy


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My 2yo just qualified for speech therapy because of articulation issues. The therapist is coming to our house for the first time tomorrow to set it up an IFSP. They also said we would have a routines based interview.


I'm a knowledge-is-power person and am wondering sort of what to expect. I know they want to see him in his own environment. My husband is also hoping to be there.


Also, what should I do with my other kids? My current plan is to have spend some quiet time in their rooms...

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One thing I learned was to ask for as much therapy as possible. I know that isn't what you asked, but that is a lesson I learned from when my then 16 month old started therapy. Once a week isn't enough for such a young child. Even if it is mild artic problems get as much as you can. That was (is) a difficult thing for me, but might not be for you. FWIW, they were always super nice about it. In my experience they were willing to offer whatever, but I had to ask.


Anyway, back to what you actually wanted to know. I say to ask the therapist what s/he would like in regards to the other kids. Some therapists really like to see the child interacting with siblings. It is very instructional for the therapist. A good friend had three little girls all close in age, but the eldest needed speech therapy. The therapist would come to the house and have 'tea parties' with all three little girls and use the siblings as a built in therapy group for the child who needed it. It was so good for her.


Seeing as this is a planning meeting it will hopefully be low key. I imagine the therapist will want to get to know your child and you and talk to you about goals


When your child is comfortable with the therapist and you have a regular schedule you can even take advantage of it. My younger son had a LOT of therapy through EI. He was getting multiple sessions of speech, OT and PT in the house. I scheduled it all during school time and did work with my older child at that time. It was like a very private pre-school that came to my house. I would often get 60 mins a day, often more, with one child in the next room getting therapy (pretty much within my sight and always in total earshot) while I did school with my older boy. I could stand an help my older boy while watching therapy.

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