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Mr. Q, ES, or ??? Chemistry for 4th and 2nd


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Having a science quandary, we are loving Education Exploration, but they only have physical science and I can't find anything like it for chemistry. So I am considering the following:

Mr. Q chemistry

Elemental science Chemistry

ES chemistry lapbook as a stand alone


ASK science kits maybe 2-3? Supplementing with books and notebooking



I think the last is my favorite idea but not sure it would be enough... Maybe pair. 3 kits with the ES lapbook?


Ideas? Other thoughts?

This is for a 4th and 2nd grader.

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We LOVED NOEO for chemistry.  The chem program has tons of experimentation, hands-on stuff.  Most of the labs are in the books you buy.  I did level 1 with my 2nd grader and level 2 with my 4th grader, who was more independent.  As it turned out, the 2nd grader "helped" the 4th grader with most of his labs as well :)  The two don't line up perfectly, but I'm not one to fret about that too much.  


We loved how the notebooking sheets are so customizable-- there are sheets for just drawing to just taking real notes to everything in between for both labs and the reading.  You can also customize the program to go either twice or four times per week (or five times per week if you really want to geek out on labs).  


I threw in a few extra labs-- We love the Science Wiz kits, and there are several chemistry kits-- several experiments with all you need included for $20.


Have fun!


Mr. Q is also fun, but you MUST get the parent guide-- a lot of the content is actually there, rather than in the kids' book.



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Well, this does nothing to answer your question about which of those to choose but...

If you are using exploration education, that is physical science, not physics. It is both physics and chemistry. From looking at the toc, it seems that following it with chemistry would be redundant. Maybe I am misunderstanding and you are just looking to supplement the chemistry portions?

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We love, love, love Ellen McHenry's The Elements.  We also did HS Share's chemistry unit and lapbook and ACS Middle School Science.  But The Elements was super easy for me to implement, fun for ds, and had the best content.  If I had to do it over again, we would skip everything else, do McHenry's program, and consider the "extra" time as playtime.

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We love, love, love Ellen McHenry's The Elements. We also did HS Share's chemistry unit and lapbook and ACS Middle School Science. But The Elements was super easy for me to implement, fun for ds, and had the best content. If I had to do it over again, we would skip everything else, do McHenry's program, and consider the "extra" time as playtime.

I have had McHenry's in the back of my mind and actually looked at it yesterday. I like it. But it says its only 6-8 weeks or so? I can't remember exactly but it wasn't long. Would it be too much for a 7yo?


Would I use just the elements or Carbon Chemistry as well? Is there hands on/experiments with it? Are they hard to do if so?


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