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Anyone using Cover Story Writing?


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Ha ha.  Yes we really like it.  I didn't want to be a gusher and go on and on about how we love it, because we've only been using it for 6 weeks.  I hate it when people gush about something they haven't used very long only to find out they quit using it 2 months later.  But here's what I like about it.  I like that it teaches writing in the context of an actual reason to write.  The student will create a magazine by the end of the year.  There is good direction onhow to write (sentence structure, verb usage, specific nouns, etc) while leaving the field wide open as to what the student will/can write about.  So many writing curricula out there teach these things as parts without ever seeing how the whole fits together.  I think Cover Story does a good job of showing the parts and the whole.  My son is given specific assignments to do but not in a confining way.  He has enough instruction so he understands clearly what he is to do, but it is open ended enough that he has the freedom to carry out the assignment how he wants to.  We really enjoy the teacher.  He is quirky and has a little dryish humor, but we find him entertaining.  My son struggles with writing.  He has good ideas but has struggled under the confines of other programs to be able to use his voice.  We haven't had that problem with Cover Story.  Writing is getting done now without complaining or coaxing.  We do watch the lessons and do the assignments together.  But that's not required, that just how I roll.  We bought two new writing programs this year, and this is the first year writing is actually happening in our home and I am excited.  We bought Cover Story for our 13 year old son, and Classical Academic Press for our 8 year old son.  I can't believe we found two winners!  Now if only I could find something for science and spelling that has us all this happy. :)  Hope that helps.

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We got it just recently.  I hope to start it tomorrow actually.  What I see I really like.  It looks like it's very nicely done.  I actually got this for my 11th grader...if you can believe that.  He is more than a reluctant writer...he doesn't really write at all.  He told me that he might want to take a creative writing class up at the high school next year (we are in a program through our school district that allows this).  Ummmmm........ :eek: .  Soooo, if that actually happens I figured he better have had some writing before this.  Any high school program is beyond him, so the guide to our school and I thought of trying Cover Story (one main reason is because it is dvd based and mom doesn't have to teach it....ds is wanting his school work to be as mom-free as possible :001_tt2: ).  The only thing that I *don't* like (and this probably won't be an issue with anyone else, or very few people) is that is says Middle School across the covers of it.  So far this doesn't seem to bother my son.  I'm really hoping we will like it and that he benefits from it.  Fingers crossed!!  I know when the time comes my dd will love this.  She is technically in middle school this year, but I think she needs to be older for this, so we'll wait a couple years.  She absolutely loves Professor Gunther Von Steuben's journal. 

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