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Open and go science w/ activities and supplies- 4th- not dumbed downed or txtbk

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Sigh. Trying to not let the perfect be the enemy of the good. I want(ed) to do GEMS guides for the rest of our year but it isn't happening right now, whenever we break I am consumed w/ catching up w/ everything else.  I have looked at several different science programs over the years but they all seem to be either too weak or too hard or too workbooky or require too much planning on my part.


We have done the Elements so far this year w/ some supplemental reading in the Wonderbook of Chemistry and some of a GEMS Bubbleology unit.  We've also done just a tiny bit w/ a microscope that we bought but I need something structured here.  Dh and ds have built some rockets and electrical things as well. 


We have right about 1/2 of the year left and although I'd like to continue being interest led doing so means our work varies greatly w/ my energy level and I want to at least get a minimum done around here, even if it isn't exactly what I have in mind for an optimal science experience. I'd like something w/ activities that aren't super lame :) and that dd can tag along some but I want the text to be meaty, too often ds reads things and complains he already knows the info.  McHenry's Elements was a good level but we're in the mood for something different and I don't want to have to gather any supplies.


I've considered Nancy Larson, my only hesitation being that it is really expensive, are there any other options? It doesn't have to be something to cover the full year.

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Elemental Science is open and go, and I believe most, if not all, of the options in the "classic" series have supply kits available for purchase.  My DS really enjoyed the two ES logic stage programs we did in late 4th grade and 5th grade (biology & earth science/astronomy). 


My DS sounds similar to yours.  Elementary science programs often didn't meet his input needs ("I already know this") . . . so he started doing logic stage programs for the input level he wanted and I adjusted the required output to fit his abilities. 


Elemental Science is based on science encyclopedias, though, so if your child doesn't like encyclopedias, Elemental Science likely won't go over well.  But there is a hands-on lab scheduled every week, and it is easy to adjust or leave out the written output to fit your needs.  Elemental Science is inexpensive too, so it might be a good partial-year option for you.


Sorry, I can't link right now:  elementalscience.com/classic.html

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Thank you Taryn. I looked at Elemental, NL and Noeo and ended up ordering Noeo Physics. Noeo had 2 books scheduled, Along Came Galileo and Achimedes and Door to Science that I already have and had planned to do plus I liked all the experiment kits that went with it. I did go ahead and order the Usborne books to go with it but I don't know if we will use them much.


I really like your thoughts about moving to a higher level but keeping the input where he needs it, that makes perfect sense but I hadn't thought about it that way.

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Thank you Taryn. I looked at Elemental, NL and Noeo and ended up ordering Noeo Physics. Noeo had 2 books scheduled, Along Came Galileo and Achimedes and Door to Science that I already have and had planned to do plus I liked all the experiment kits that went with it. I did go ahead and order the Usborne books to go with it but I don't know if we will use them much.


I really like your thoughts about moving to a higher level but keeping the input where he needs it, that makes perfect sense but I hadn't thought about it that way.


Glad to hear you found something that will work!  I forgot all about Noeo . . . but yes, that's another good option that doesn't use textbooks.  I actually have Noeo Chemistry 3 on my shelf.  But I didn't buy the kit they sell to go with it (bought a bigger one on sale through Amazon) and since we keep finding bunny trails to follow with our current program, I have no actual user experience yet with Noeo, so I didn't think to mention that one.  Best of luck!


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