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Dictation selections for WWE Levels 3 and 4

Lori in MS

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Someone mentioned that they were willing to post their selections for WWE levels 3 and 4 since the workbooks weren't out yet. Who was that and are they still willing to do so? I would love a copy.


I really don't have time to find those specific dictations. The narrations I think I can handle.


Thanks for any help. (BTW) I will also buy the workbooks when they are published.

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I can't remember who it was but I do remember she said her family was going on a 4 week vacation and she would post when they returned. I would love a set, too! (And I am buying the wkbks when released, as well!)

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  • 2 weeks later...
Someone mentioned that they were willing to post their selections for WWE levels 3 and 4 since the workbooks weren't out yet. Who was that and are they still willing to do so? I would love a copy.


I really don't have time to find those specific dictations. The narrations I think I can handle.


Thanks for any help. (BTW) I will also buy the workbooks when they are published.


I don't have one yet, but I'm working on one. I'm using ours from Fifty Famous Stories Retold. I've only done one, and that was Bruce and the Spider. I actually used it for 2 and 3 (my dd8 and ds9). I'm going to try to do that over the weekend...get together some stories with dictation passages and copywork passages. I would love to have that on hand to if someone already has it!

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  • 1 month later...

I went to Rainbow Resource and saw that Write Shop has a little copywork and dictation book for 5 dollars that has 16 selections and I believe it spans grades 6-10. They have a copy sample of a selection from the Velveteen Rabbit. This looks like you could use it for 3/4th grade selections.


It is called, copywork and dictation exercises for Write Shop 1.




Dee in sunny FL!

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