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Attention European members - gift assistance, please


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I am on the hunt for a toy traffic light that has a button on top to turn it on. Apparently, it comes on red, then turns green, and somewhere in there the yellow and red lights come on together. It is for use with matchbox size cars. DH was able to figure out it is made by a German company, but we can't seem to buy one here. My middle one has asked for this and one other small thing for Christmas so I am searching.


In case you're wondering, we lived in Germany for a few years and a friend brought one to the house one day. That's how they even know about it. So here I am years later trying to make wishes come true.


Can anyone help me?

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My best friend had one when I was little.  I am jealous to this day  :tongue_smilie:.  Not sure if this is of help but Amazon has very reasonable shipping costs to the US and they deduct VAT.



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