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Our puppy for a week goes home today!


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The 6 mos. old English Cocker Spaniel puppy, Woofy, goes home today.


It is a good thing that Aidan doesn't like him (thinks of him as prey).  If Aidan had gotten along with him, my entire family would be begging Woofy's owner to keep him, including me.


Sure, he's a puppy, and they require a lot of attention and training, but this puppy has been an absolute gem.   His tail never stops wagging.  He is always cheerful and super friendly.  He never bites or nips.  He is the most food-motivated dog I've ever seen, so he is always up for a training session!  He's too small to be a counter cruiser, although he never stops trying.  He is one little bundle of cuteness overload.  When he grows up, he will weigh at most 35 lbs., so he will always be easily portable. 


It's a good thing that DD took care of him while he was here.  I focused on Aidan because he's my dog and I'm his person.  Otherwise, I'd be very unhappy right now.  Instead, I'm looking forward to having Aidan here by himself, so things can get back to normal for him.


If I were looking for a puppy and had an active family of kids, this is a breed I'd check out for sure.  Woofy would be great at agility, dog dancing, and bird hunting.


My only problem has been that I love his name, but for some reason, I always start to call him Lucky instead.  Don't know why, but it drives me nuts.







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((Hugs)) to you. We just said goodbye to the two lab puppies we had over the holiday. They were both perfect house guests and got along great with our own two labs. Though I too am looking forward to things getting back to normal around here, I woke up this morning with a tiny ache in my heart. :-(

I see a new pup joining your family in the near future.... ;-)


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I vividly remember housebreaking Aidan, Mariann.  That, and his nipping, put me off puppies forever.  This one became fully housebroken a week before he came to stay here, and I made sure he stayed that way by taking him out frequently. 


On Saturday, I woke up with a memory of a black cocker spaniel puppy who lived in our neighborhood when I was 10.  The owners kept him in a garage and let him out to roam the neighborhood several times a day.  My mom was aghast.  Dogs live in the house, and they do not roam because they could get hit by a car.  The owners were warehousing the dog, so my mom offered to buy him.  They would not sell him.  After we got our own puppy, the owners took theirs to the pound.  My mother didn't find out about that until it was too late, and she doesn't know what happened to him.


The neighbor's puppy came to our house all the time and we played with him.  We were all in love with him.  I called my mom yesterday to ask about this memory, and she said it was accurate.  That pup's name was Lucky. 


Finally, an explanation for why I love Woofy's name, but keep calling him Lucky.  I haven't thought of the real Lucky in decades.  No wonder I adore Woofy -- he is housebroken, doesn't nip, and he reminds me of that puppy I loved when I was a kid.


It also explains the deja vu I experienced in my dog training class when two little kids (ages 6 and 8) who were there played with Woofy.  My brother and sister were 4 and 8 when Lucky came over to play with us.

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Aidan took forever to housebreak, even though I carefully followed my unbeatable housebreaking routine.  First thing he did was go to the bathroom with the boys and join them in their endeavors there.  A lovely  male bonding ritual, that I stopped by keeping the bathroom door closed.  Aidan then decided to pee every morning right in front of the bathroom door.  It was months later when he suddenly stopped doing that, out of the blue and after I'd spent a small fortune on Nature's Miracle cleaner.


My collie, OTOH, was housebroken in 24 hours.  He mastered hitting the sleigh bells on the back door after I showed him what to do a couple of times.  He was a piece of cake to train because he learned so quickly.  I thought he was the norm, and boy was I surprised when we got Aidan.


Which breed is Otis?

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THAT is funny.......Aidan is a riot!


Otis is a Cavachon.......Cavalier King Charles Spaniel and Bichon frise. Cute as can be, smart as a whip, loves Guidry (our rescued hound who is three yrs older than Otis).


We trained Otis using the bell method. In no time at all, he knew precisely what to do. Otis has really spoiled me........

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I tried to post a photo of Otis and it wouldn't let me. I will try again.


And, yes, Guidry is our rescued blue tick coonhound who we fondly call Mr. Handsome or The Gentleman. He is mellow, unfazed, consistent....total opposite of a puppy. Yet, 18 months of living under the same roof with Otis, and Guidry's personality has changed.......somewhat. Guidry has become more interactive with us.....he is truly a 'hunting dog' and his every instinct is about the hunt. However, He is less aloof.


I will try to get a photo of him posted.


Hope you are all well.



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