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Popping in to ask for college help..........re: Dave Ramsey custom college guide


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If you don't know me, I have been a WTM poster since nearly the beginning. I homeschooled my kids through 9th, 7th and 5th grade (as well as some others!).


I have limited time (I work several jobs) and due to many circumstances, my single mom finances are limited.


I'd like feedback on the following (link to the Chat board)





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Hi Joanne.  Glad to see you pop in for a visit. Hope the recovery from the car wreck thing is going well.  anyway...  agreeing with the others on the chat side that it seems like an expensive book for information that can be researched for free on the internet.  


My oldest is 12th grade.  So I don't have a lot of experience to share.  I know others will chime in with better stuff.


I might start with scrolling about half way down to post #5 of this "super thread" of Lori D's.



Has a lot of links to read Hive experiences. 


get your FAFSA pin (in fall of their 12th grade year) to be ready to start filling out stuff on Jan. 1



get the pin before Jan 1. and yes, you can do estimates on tax info on Jan 1, and then go back later to update.  (that's according to not just hive, but to the fin aid talk at my dd's first choice college)


look on the college's website for their in house scholarships. some of those will have interviews that happen in January.  have to apply and be accepted early.  



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oops... I mean the year she is a senior get the pin in Nov and be ready for January..    I'll correct that typo above....


(edit to say... oops.. you meant you wanted responses only on that thread and have it all in there).   I still think you'd ok to post and visit here  you're family  ((hugs))

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