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Help! Moms of large families, how do you do it?

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I personally think that neither TT nor MM are good choices for your 14 yo. Have you considered Lial's Basic College Math? It covers all elementary math concepts in a single textbook w/o having to go through multiple level books. The TOC can be seen here (but you can buy an older ed very, very cheaply.) http://www.pearsonhighered.com/educator/product/Basic-College-Mathematics-8E/9780321557124.page


You can find the teaching videos for BCM easily online. http://video.search.yahoo.com/search/video?p=lial+basic+college+math+videos


Oh!  I missed that one child was 14.  MM is definitely not high school level.  It tops out at pre-algebra type work.  If you 14 yo is significantly enough behind to still be using MM and there aren't any learning issues, I would really, really refocus and make school the number one priority.

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