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WWE Placement Question

Mama Lynx

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My rising 2nd grader did very well on the mastery test for copywork for the end of year 1. He also did very well on the narration test. So I figured he is ready for year 2.


However, the dictation samples for week 1 of year 2 are far beyond anything he could manage. He is still a struggling reader, and would not be able to handle dictation more complex than "The pig locks Bob in a bus," or "The fat rat has a fan."


So ... keep doing copywork and narration until he reads and spells better? Go on to dictation, but with very, very simple sentences? What say ye?

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I say go with what he can do. I'm starting my 4th grader off with WWE year 1. I'm using our current reading book for copywork sentences and reading passages. Her copywork sentences are more complex than that of a 1st grader because she can do more. Instead of doing one copywork a day, then a reading the next day then another copywork day and then a reading day to complete a week, I'm doing two copyworks and two readings w/comprehension exercises. After 36 days of this we will have completed year one.


I intend to move through year 2 and possibly year 3 this year.


So with this very long winded post, I'm simply saying go with what you know he can do and push the envelope just a bit as you progress.

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:iagree: That's similar to what I'm doing with ds 10.



I say go with what he can do. I'm starting my 4th grader off with WWE year 1. I'm using our current reading book for copywork sentences and reading passages. Her copywork sentences are more complex than that of a 1st grader because she can do more. Instead of doing one copywork a day, then a reading the next day then another copywork day and then a reading day to complete a week, I'm doing two copyworks and two readings w/comprehension exercises. After 36 days of this we will have completed year one.


I intend to move through year 2 and possibly year 3 this year.


So with this very long winded post, I'm simply saying go with what you know he can do and push the envelope just a bit as you progress.

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I think this is the nice thing about using your own selections.


I would consider him year 2 week 1, and work on that until he is ready for year 2 week 11. Obviously they expect this step to take quite a bit of time (almost a third of the year) and I would guess that getting dictation down is trick for most kids.


The lessons are also designed so that you are using the same sentance for copywork on day two as you are using for dictation on day 3. They will be words he wrote yesterday. Some people let thier kids study the dictation sentance first, and that might be another way to slowly up the difficulty of the dictation.


You are also going to start using his own words for dictation, from the narration he created.

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