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OK, I shall neither a whiner nor a moaner be...

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I have whined and moaned with the best of them, with reason and without (OK, maybe better than the best of them). But, recently, I have read about families with children who have been bitten by snakes, who might have heart problems, who are facing surgeries, lay offs, car accidents, etc.


And I feel like a




I ruptured two discs in my back a couple of years ago, and I felt like a wimp complaining to a friend who had had 4 ruptures and was in a wheelchair most of the time, with permanent pain, and she said something that put a lot into perspective for me--just because others hurt more or differently doesn't make your pain any less real.


While that is true, and I have had a hard time with some things lately, well, really, over the last few, several, OK, um, 30 or 40 years, I know that I am blessed (and I don't usually like to talk religiously, so that is a big thing for me to say). I adore my daughter, she is, for the most part, healthy, and we have each other. We have a wonderful relationship, and I know we always will. Her horrible, abusive dad is finally far enough away he can't be involved in her life anymore, and has been out long enough I think he is finally leaving her alone. And I've finally gotten my health in hand and am on the path to making it good.


So, I apologize, for all of the whining, the moaning, and all the rest. And I thank everyone on this board, for being so wonderful and supportive. And to all of those with problems that I know get you so down, I read your posts, and feel more than I can say for you--and pray for you, and send you the best wishes and thoughts I can, and hope things turn around for you soon.

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Ah, if you hurt, moan away. It is not a contest in which only the worse off (and who is to judge) gets to complain.


I once was at a fund raiser for autism/epilepsy research and another mom asked about my kid. I mention briefly his autism etc., and she cut me off "Well! At least your son can talk! Mine is mute!" How was I supposed to feel? Her kid's severe epilepsy didn't make my kids problems any less severe. IT IS NOT A CONTEST!


So do not apologize for needing to come here for a little sympathy now and then. ;)

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You friend is 100% right. At the same time my grandma used to say "If you put all your troubles in a pile with everyone else's you will be happy to take your own back" SO I tend to get it all off my chest and whine or moan and then I get on with it kwim. Don't feel guilty for your pain, feel free to whine about it, just don't fall into despair about kwim.

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No, I know my probs are my probs--what I mean is, I've been reading the probs of others lately, which, honestly, have been a bit overwhelming, and, I guess, have been making me appreciate my life a bit more, really. & I guess I wanted to say that I do feel really blessed, and I do feel for all of those who are really hurting, and I guess that is it. Basically. You know what I mean?

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Pain and hardships are relative. Knowing that someone has it worse should not cause you to minimize how you feel. There are times we all can 'suck it up' a little bit and there are times a vent is in order, LOL. What is that saying? Dont add up your hardships, count your blessings? I get it but it does not help me sleep better at night when things are going downhill and stressing me out. So, be kind to yourself and dont be afraid to ask for help/support.

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