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Ask Dr. Calhoun Math DVDs?


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Although I love math, my 8th grade daughter--Algebra I level--does not. I am thinking that she might benefit from instruction from someone other than me on this subject right now. What has been your experience with the "Ask Dr. Calhoun Math" DVDs? I'm also looking at Teaching Textbook and Videotext Interactive and would appreciate any info/feedback you all have with any of these curriculums. TIA!

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We used Teaching Textbooks last year for pre-algebra and were not impressed. Way too much review. My dd finished the book by Feb so we started Videotext. She really enjoys the DVD's- great graphics and the concepts are explained very well. She now understands not only the how but the why's of math. I have no experience with Dr Calhoun DVD.

Hope this helps, Good Luck!!

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so I will let everyone know our experience later this year. BUT, we did use his Alg. II/Trig course. My son was a little young for this program so it was a struggle for him. He liked Dr. Callahan but thought sometime what was taught on the DVD had nothing to do with chapter he was working in!! Could also be that my ds did not understand : (


I am hoping he has a little more step-by-step instruction in this lower math level for my next ds.


I even emailed his website to let him know we struggled with the program and I thought there needed to be more problems in the syllabus for practicing and he emailed me right back. He was very understanding and they are still tweeking their programs some, so I would encourage you to write to him and ask any questions you have. He really wants feedback.



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"He liked Dr. Callahan but thought sometime what was taught on the DVD had nothing to do with chapter he was working in!!"





Your son's statement succinctly sums up our experience with Dr. Callahan's Geometry DVD's. Dr. C is a fine teacher, but his presentation meshed very poorly with the Jacobs text. Sorry to report this!


The Chalkdust Math (SAT prep) series we are working through is much clearer. (This is from a "non-mathy" mom's perspective.)




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I think his daughter teaches the Algebra 1 course. Here's the sample:




We didn't like the geometry DVDs because Dr. Callahan had the habit of standing in front of the whiteboard, obscuring the view of the work he was presenting.


We much prefer Dana Mosely of Chalkdust.


It is his daughter. . . . and she got married today, in the rain!


(just a little tidbit!)

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