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Boring questions for the day


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What's a good way to keep white tile floors clean without a mop and bucket?  My entire house is tile, so I need something that isn't too labor intensive. My children and I will all thank you if you can save us from these floors.


And what about some ideas for hard water deposits on glass shower doors?  I don't necessarily have access to the same cleaning supplies as I would in the US, although sometimes I can find the same brands. Any suggestions would be appreciated.

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What's a good way to keep white tile floors clean without a mop and bucket?  My entire house is tile, so I need something that isn't too labor intensive. My children and I will all thank you if you can save us from these floors.


And what about some ideas for hard water deposits on glass shower doors?  I don't necessarily have access to the same cleaning supplies as I would in the US, although sometimes I can find the same brands. Any suggestions would be appreciated.


On of my go-to sites for such info is Gardenweb.com, which, despite its name, actually has huge home improvement and maintenance forums.   It looks like steam is the preferred non-chemical way to do the tile floors, while vinegar might work on the shower door (although someone also mentioned drier sheets).


The best thing for hard water is still a water softener, although it won't solve all problems.  We had insanely hard water (40+), and while it's now softened, it's still acidic enough to leave green stains, and it slowly eats through copper pipe.


Fun times.

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For the shower doors I would suggest a diluted vinegar solution.  It can leave a lingering scent of vinegar, though.


White tile, hmmmm . . . I don't have white tile but I have white dental molding and less-ornate-than-dental-but-still-a-pain-to-clean baseboards.  Sometimes I offer cash rewards for a good cleaning if I know my daughter needs some cash and sometimes I offer a length of baseboard when a bit of labor seems the thing to help an attitude along.


Fortunately, I have  a pretty doggone good girl so I don't get to levy the labor option very often.  However, when the fair rolls around or we go out of town and she'll be wanting pocket money or when she needs money for Christmas gifts, those less-than-loved cleaning chores come in handy.  Maybe you could offer a penny/nickle/dime/whatever per tile and let your son get some spending money.  


A mop is a terrible technology.  I haven't found anything better than hands and knees . . . and dirt-colored tile.  We have brownish tile in the kitchen and hard woods everywhere else (except the restroom) for this very reason.


Honestly, I don't know how to make mopping any better of a chore than finding a way to not do it or pay/get paid for it.  blech.

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