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What are all the online/dvd courses for math? (this is for ds 5th grade)

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And feel free to comment thumbs up or thumbs down if you've tried them! This is for 5th grade and up.


Only ones I can think of right now are Teaching Textbooks, BJU, and the dvds for Saxon (Dive and the one w/ the older man teaching.)


Not Kahn Academy-needs to be full curriculum. I need math to be more independent. :)

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We are trying Derek Owens this year.  The pre-algebra program can be bought and we watch the DVD and he does the workbook notes/practice and we have homework sheets and tests as well.  Honestly, it's very like khan academy as far as the video goes.  I even used a khan video the other day b/c ds needed another way to word things.  It's been going well and ds needed/wanted math to be taught by someone else.  


the bad:  I don't think there is enough practice.  Practice is one, sometimes two pages, but it's a lot of white space.  That white space is good for the kid I guess, but today the homework page took him 5 minutes.  I won't let him do just that anymore lol.  And today ds said he finds the videos boring.  I asked more but he finally said it's just too long, lol.  They are....there are 4-8 videos for one lesson and I think it's about 30 min of video's all added up per lesson.  However, it's teaching ds to keep up and take notes :-)


The good:  math is being taught by someone else.  Ds is getting good results on the tests.  He's learning to take notes.  And he is learning something.  he isn't upset by math most days. It's not his favorite subject, but this year is way better than the last few. 


We are planning on continuing with Derek Owens classes next year unless ds asks for a change.  

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K12 Independent but only through 8th


BJU Distance Learning either online or DVD


Teaching Textbooks


Saxon with Teacher or DIVE or Red Wagon


SOS Math {would NOT suggest this one. Truely awful}


Math U See




Those are the only ones I can think of right now.





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